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Monday 16 November 2015

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Wanna learn new technologies???
Here is a good opportunity ....
Visit to learn them online....
have fun!!!

Thursday 10 October 2013

New tool to help robots 'see' better

New tool to help robots 'see' better

WASHINGTON: A statistical tool can improve 'vision' in robots by helping them better understand the objects in the world around them.

Object recognition is one of the most widely studied problems in computer vision, researchers said.

To improve robots' ability to gauge object orientation, Jared Glover, a graduate student in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)'s Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, is exploiting a statistical construct called the Bingham distribution.

In a paper to be presented at the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Glover and MIT alumna Sanja Popovic, who is now at Google, describes a new robot-vision algorithm, based on the Bingham distribution, that is 15% better than its best competitor at identifying familiar objects in cluttered scenes.

That algorithm, however, is for analysing high-quality visual data in familiar settings.

Because the Bingham distribution is a tool for reasoning probabilistically, it promises even greater advantages in contexts where information is patchy or unreliable.

In cases where visual information is particularly poor, the algorithm offers an improvement of more than 50% over the best alternatives.

"Alignment is key to many problems in robotics, from object-detection and tracking to mapping," Glover said.

"And ambiguity is really the central challenge to getting good alignments in highly cluttered scenes, like inside a refrigerator or in a drawer. That's why the Bingham distribution seems to be a useful tool, because it allows the algorithm to get more information out of each ambiguous, local feature," Glover said.

One reason the Bingham distribution is so useful for robot vision is that it provides a way to combine information from different sources, researchers said.

Determining an object's orientation entails trying to superimpose a geometric model of the object over visual data captured by a camera -- in the case of Glover's work, a Microsoft Kinect camera, which captures a 2D colour image together with information about the distance of the colour patches.

In experiments involving visual data about particularly cluttered scenes - depicting the kinds of environments in which a household robot would operate - Glover's algorithm had about the same false-positive rate as the best existing algorithm: About 84% of its object identifications were correct, versus 83% for the competition.

But it was able to identify a significantly higher percentage of the objects in the scenes - 73% versus 64%.

How to Generate thousands of genuine email ids for free

Hi, here I am once again, with a new trick about How to generate 1000's of genuine e-mail id's with in 5 to 10 minutes , all you have to do is just follow these simple steps  . its up to you that how you want to use them . So be careful about it.  :-)
Requirements :-
  •  Go to, click on "Search settings" in the top right corner and change the number of results to display "100" per page, now click on Save preferences.
  • Now in  the search bar type a keyword(s) and the e-mail extension in speech marks For example :- xyz"" What it will do is search for web-pages that contain Gmail e-mail adresses and that are also related  with your keyword. The speech marks around "" make sure that "" is on every web page that is a result of the search.
    • You can also search single websites for e-mail adresses as shown on the example :- "" The  example shown above will search the whole of for"" email adresses. 
  • Now With your results in focus, click the arrow at the side of the AutoPager icon as shown in the picture below. Then goto "Immediately load > All pages" .as shown in screenshot. With your search results still in focus, scroll all the way down and AutoPager should load the next page of results onto the same  page you are currently on. Keep scrolling till all pages have loaded onto the samepage.

    • Press "ctrl + a" to select all of the pages then press "ctrl + c" to copy the results. With the results still in the clipboard (Still copied) go to or Click here  . Paste your results into the first box which says "1. Put text with email addresses here:" and just click on Start Extracting Emails Button on top of that box. The settings should already be correct with "unique emails" and "sortticked" So no need to Touch that option. 
    • The e-mail adresses should show in the Results box (3rd box)  almost instantly.
    • Now copy the results from the results box paste them into Notepad. Sometimes the e-mail address seem to end in ".com." instead of just".com" so in notepad go to "Edit > Replace" and in the "Find what" text-box type ".com." without the  speech marks("") in the "Replace with" textbox type".com" , without the speech marks.

    How to protect gmail account from hackers

    Most of the people use Gmail for sending emails. We have precious information stored in our Gmail account. So Gmail would be the target for hackers being hacking it. Gmail developer team has given us wonderful security option by enabling the 2-step Verification,

    By enabling the 2-step verification from you Gmail account makes your account more secure by making you to login into Gmail by 2 step. While logging in into the Gmail account, Gmail send you the security code to your mobile phone and asks you to enter that code in Gmail login page. This makes sure that only the mobile phone carrier can able to know that code. So your account cannot be Hacked if someone tries to hack your account from somewhere else.

    How to enable 2-step verification

    • Log in to your Gmail Account,
    • Click Account at the top right,
    • Click Edit on 2-step verification,
    • Now Click Start Setup,
    • selcet your country and add your mobile number,
    • Select the method of verification, SMS option is by default and it is most recommended one
    • Just click Send Code
    • Now Google will send you Text in your mobile with Verification Code
    • Now click Next, and NextNote this point after 2-step Verification
    • Your Another Application and Connected account will not be working, you need to re-invoke that on Final 2-step Verification or do it later!
    • If your Primary Moblie is lost then you cannot able to login to Gmail so set Backup Mobile Number
    • Backup Verification Code is the another way to Recover your Account Please Download and Note that number and keep it safely somewhere it is accessible for you, like your Wallet. Each code can be used only once.
    • I recommend you to read everything and make a note of it.
    Happy with your safe Gmail Account. This time none can Hack your Gmail, I hope. Please comment below and also mention me if I have missed any point.

    Top 25 peoples who changed internet forever

    Top 25 People Who Changed the Internet Forever ---

    1. Sir Tim Berners-Lee – World Wide Web
    2. Vint Cerf And Bob Kahn – TCP/IP
    3. Larry Page and Sergey Brin – Google Inc.
    4. David Filo and Jerry Yang – Yahoo! Inc.
    5. Bill Gates – Microsoft
    6. Steven Paul Jobs – Apple Inc.
    7. Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook
    8. Chad Hurley and Steve Chen – YouTube
    9. Linus Torvalds – Linux
    10. Jack Dorsey – Twitter
    11. Kevin Rose – Digg
    12. Bram Cohen – BitTorrent
    13. Mike Morhaime – Blizzard Entertainment
    14. Jimmy Wales – Wikipedia
    15. Jeff Preston Bezos – Amazon
    16. Shawn Fanning – Napster, Rupture
    17. Pierre Omidyar – eBay
    18. Jack Ma – Alibaba
    19. Craig Newmark – Craigslist
    20. Matt Mullenweg – WordPress
    21. Thomas Anderson – MySpace
    22. Garrett Camp – StumbleUpon
    23. Jon Postel – Internet Pioneer
    24. Caterina Fake – Flickr
    25. Marc Andreessen – Netscape

    8 ways to access blocked websites

    1. Using IP instead of URL

    2. Redirection with short URL service

    3. Google cache

    Search engines like Google and Yahoo cache webpages and these cached pages are stored in search engines themselves, which likely will be added to the blocked list. Click on the ‘cache’ will bring you to a cache version of the page, as updated as how Google caches it.

    4. Internet Archive – Wayback Machine

    Wayback Machine is a internet service that periodically keeps a copy of almost all websites in the Internet way from the date they’re started. Clicking on the latest copy of what Wayback Machine have should be somewhat similar to the real site.

    5. Anonymous surfing


    6. Use Proxy in Browsers

    7. Bypass with translation services

    Use Google translate. Open Google translate ,type the URL and translate page.

    8. Retrieve web pages via Email

    Web2Mail is a free service that sends websites you want to read right into your inbox. All you need to do is send an email to with the URL as subject title.

    Windows 8 picture password

    Windows 8 Tips.
    Use a picture password to log into your computer. Windows 8 includes a new feature called Picture password, which allows you to authenticate with the
    computer using a series of gestures that include circles, straight lines, and taps. Enable this feature if you want a new way to access your computer or have a hard time with passwords. Open the Windows Charms. Click Settings and then More PC settings In the PC settings  window click Users and then select Create a picture password.